Friday, November 9, 2007

Surgery Update

Well, I'm home. Build-up and prep for the surgery took about an hour; the actual surgery took a whopping 3 minutes. I didn't even have time to really consider falling asleep in the chair! It's done under a "local" that ended up deadening everything from the bridge of my nose to the back side of the temple and from the top of the cheek to the middle of the top of my head.

I won't go into the details here, but we do have a video if any of you happen to be coming by... Phaedra finds it fascinating, India was grossed out, their parents refused to consider watching it...

The change in the vision is phenomenal. I knew the eye was clouded - I had no idea it was "that" clouded! You know what? Colors are the most pronounced change I've noticed. Looking at Kathy across the hotel room last night - with the right eye, her hair and skin have a gray cast to them. The walls in the room were kind of an medium ecru. Looking at the same things with the newly overhauled left eye and Kathy has white hair. The room was an off white - but a far cry from ecru. At the Dr's office this morning, the walls were light gray with the right eye; they were white with a lilac undertone with the left. The nurse confirmed - they're white with a lilac undertone. That would be why the predominant color throughout the office is purple...

I will be going back, probably before the end of the year to get the other one done... If I have them both done within 3 months of the initial exam, I don't have to go through the eye dialation and pressure testing and all that fun stuff again. :)

Parents are here for the girls - more later.

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About Me

We're a family that came to Alaska in shifts. We've been here since 1995 and don't plan to leave any time soon.

For Jaime

Comment from a SMART President

" The government that is big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."

Thomas Jefferson President 1801-1809
Died on JULY 4th, 1826


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