Life never stops does it? No matter how badly you want to stop things and be able to savor a moment, halt a moment or be able to complete a project before a deadline, time never seems to cooperate. *sigh* Life at the Arndt farm continues on, with some additions to the roster. 2 broody hens have hatched out 4 chicks (1 and 3) another broody is setting on 6 eggs and our Bronze hen is setting on 11 (hopefully fertile) eggs. Daisy had her second calf, a bull that is still nameless a month after birth. I do not intend to name him as he is being sold in October to a family that will eat him next year so really, what's the point? We have new piggies that are impatiently waiting for us to get their pasture fenced so they can get to work. The family that I work for had a new baby on February 2nd, the same day that a dear friend of mine miscarried her 3rd baby at 8 weeks. They have 2 sons and got pregnant again on her next cycle but still I went back to my dark place. I am feeling better and my hopes to become an Affiliate Photographer for the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation are still alive and well. I simply need a better camera and some practice with portrait lighting. *double-sigh* Okay, so on with the pictures. :-)

Daisy's new baby when he was about an hour old. That's not a trick, he really was silver. O_o
Because Sweet Pea is still in the corral, she took the opportunity to steal a snack while Daisy was in labor and ended up stripping skin off all 4 of Daisy's teats. I was livid but found out that Orajel really works as a temporary anesthetic so I could milk without getting kicked.
Daisy's calf at a month old. He's Cody's first calf and is taking on a bit of papa's red coloring.
Claire and two of her babies. She has 3 but the third one is behind her.
Brothers. The 2 year old following his 3 year old brother at my workplace. They were hunting for worms.
Neffy, the Egyptian Fayoumi and her interesting baby. If it's a boy he will be my third rooster but I'm kind of hoping for a hen.
Two female Gold Stars that I bought to keep a chick company. Unfortunately, the chick died a couple days later but I still have two guaranteed layers.
A nest of turkey eggs. She laid 14 originally but I opened one to check fertility, and two were broken so she's got 11. I hope they are all fertile and she manages to raise them all to weaning age. She has one tom in with her and the other four are separated into their grow-out pen.
My sweet Bonnie, due with calf #3 in a couple weeks.
Cody boy, 2 years old.
1 comment:
I love that you're going to work with NILMDTS!! I would if I had any photography skills, but since I don't, I give back in othe ways.
The cattle look fantastic!
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